Some think it beneath their dignity to look after small things. They think it the evidence of a narrow mind and a niggardly spirit. But small leaks have sunk many a ship. Nothing that would serve the purpose of any should be allowed to waste...
Let everyone now strive with courage and activity to save rather than to spend. Say to those who are willing to consume without producing, It is my duty to economize in every line. I cannot encourage extravagance. I cannot let means go out of my hands to purchase that which is not needed.
From the highest to the lowest, God's workmen are to study to economize. Let each one say to himself, I am to restrain in myself any inclination to spend means unnecessarily. Let those who work in God's service be producers as well as consumers. Look at the greatness of the work, and restrain the unchristian inclination to spend money for self-gratification. Count the cost of the thing you desire to buy.
This is an excellent opportunity for everyone to stand in his lot and in his place. Let each one try to produce something. Those in God's work should be willing to help wherever help is needed. They should make their expenditures as few as possible; for necessities will arise where every dollar will be needed to carry forward the Lord's work...
There must be a strict regard to economy or a heavy debt will be incurred. Keep within bounds. Shun the incurring of debt as you would shun leprosy.--Letter 60, 1896. CS 267, 268, 272
He who gathers money little by little makes it grow. Proverbs 13:11 (New International Version)