Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Many of you have made great mistakes the last year; will you repeat these mistakes during the year upon which you have just entered? . . .

The year . . . has passed into eternity, and a new year has dawned upon us. What is the character of the history that has been recorded in heaven, as day by day has glided by with its burden of good or evil? Have not many of you, my brethren and sisters, a spotted record to meet? Have you not failed to improve many of the opportunities which the old year afforded you for forming correct habits and building right characters? Have you made of yourselves all that God designed you should? Do you know more of the truth than you did one year ago? Have you practiced self-control, seeking daily to be sanctified through the truth, that your life might reflect light upon the pathway of others? RH, January 20, 1885 par. 1

God has left each one a work to do for himself. Have you been faithful in this work? Have you studied to conform your character in every particular to the law of God? Have you sought to discover and remedy every defect in yourselves that would have a tendency to lead others from the path of strict rectitude? Has your life been so molded by the word and Spirit of God as to make you a blessing to all with whom you associate? RH, January 20, 1885 par. 2

... Dear brethren and sisters, the increased light that you receive places you under greater obligation to God. Your Christian growth should be in accordance with the privileges you enjoy. Each day as it passes should find you better prepared to meet new trials and bear new responsibilities. Do you appreciate this fact? Do you realize your duty to others? Consider the influence that every word and act of your life may have upon those around you. A lasting impression may be made, which will react upon yourself in blessing or in cursing. This thought gives an awful solemnity to life, and should drive us to God in humble prayer that he will guide us by his wisdom. RH, January 20, 1885 par. 4

To each of us some work is assigned in the vineyard of the Lord. There is enough for all to do; none need stand idle. Have you been faithful in your appointed task, doing what you could to win others to the truth? How many have been led to the cross of Christ through your individual efforts? Have you by precept and example pointed your fellowmen to the Lamb of God, or have you, by assimilating to the world, directed their thoughts and affections into a wrong channel? RH, January 20, 1885 par. 9

Many of you have made great mistakes the last year; will you repeat these mistakes during the year upon which you have just entered? Human judgment is finite; and men in their blind self-will often trust to their own opinion, and take a course that cuts directly across the path of God's providence, and defeats his ends. You need to examine yourself carefully to see what is the tendency of your course. The Spirit of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, and it will reveal to you your standing and the nature of your work. RH, January 20, 1885 par. 10

Will each of you who believe present truth earnestly inquire, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" His Spirit is at work upon minds, preparing them to receive the truth. Let your efforts be fully up with the openings of his providence. Do something, do it now; and let the record of the new year be one that you will not be ashamed to meet. RH, January 20, 1885 par. 12

Then He spoke a parable to them: “No one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one; otherwise the new makes a tear, and also the piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old. Luke 5:36 (New King James Version)