Monday, March 10, 2008

We must labor continually, by study of the Scriptures and earnest prayer, to keep ourselves unspotted from the world . . .

What grief to the Saviour who bought us with his own blood, that multitudes who profess his name have formed habits which bring them directly under the control of the Prince of darkness! These habits are formed gradually, and almost imperceptibly. Little duties have been neglected. The professed followers of Christ have shunned his cross. Worldly influences have corrupted their purity of soul. They feel no burden for those who are out of Christ, but leave them to go down to death unrebuked and unwarned. Selfish indulgence has hardened the heart and weakened the moral faculties. The Christian course of this class is uncertain. They are looked upon as the representatives of Christ; but they have no living experience, and they are constantly doubting the Saviour's love. They have a spasmodic religion, and walk in the light of others. They have not a strong, firm, earnest hope of Heaven. Their faith is so feeble that they cannot claim and urge the promises of God. Trials crush them, and make them disconsolate and despairing.

I lift my warning voice against such a life, and beseech my brethren and sisters to diligently search their own hearts, and see if they have a living faith, which works, yes, works by love, and purifies the soul. May God impress our ministers to teach the young converts by precept and example, that they must start right on the Christian course, and continue right, if they would end right. True conversion of soul is essential; theoretical religion will not take the place of heart-work. We all need to connect more closely with God, and then we may teach others the art of believing. The true, humble, earnest Christian will be receiving the mold of a perfect character, and his heart will ever be conforming to the image of Christ. His life will flow out in channels of beneficence and love. Such will be established in God. The work which grace began, if combined with earnest effort to press close to Jesus, glory shall finish in the kingdom of God.

How can I impress upon our dear people, whom God has made the depositaries of his law, a sense of how much is at stake with them. If they sin in words or deportment, they bring dishonor upon the cause they profess to love, and by their example many will be encouraged to turn away from the mirror which discovers the defects of their moral character. What an account will the professed followers of Christ have to render in the day when the Lord will make inquiry for the souls lost in consequence of their unrighteous course. Let us, as the peculiar people of God, elevate the standard of Christian character, lest we come short of the reward that will be given to the good and the faithful. Our probation will soon be ended. We must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. It is those who hold fast the beginning of their confidence steadfast unto the end, that will receive the crown of immortal glory. Those who make so exalted a profession of truth must answer for the intrusted capital. Simplicity, purity, forbearance, benevolence, and love should characterize our Christian experience. We must labor continually, by study of the Scriptures and earnest prayer, to keep ourselves unspotted from the world.

Jesus has gone to prepare mansions for those who are waiting and watching for his appearing. There they will meet the pure angels and the redeemed host, and will join their songs of praise and triumph. There the Saviour's love surrounds his people, and the city of God is irradiated with the light of his countenance,--a city whose walls, great and high, are garnished with all manner of precious stones, whose gates are pearls, and whose streets are pure gold, as it were transparent glass. "There shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie; but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life." The shadows of night never fall on that city; it has no need of the sun, neither of the moon; its inhabitants rejoice in the undimmed glory of the Lamb of God. RH, June 3, 1880 par. 16-19

Now stand still and see the great thing the Lord will do before your eyes. 1 Samuel 12:16 (New Century Version)