Saturday, February 2, 2008

My heart is sad when I think how many will miss the way to heaven because they did not study the guide God has given them . . .

If you neglect so great salvation, is it not certain that the magnitude of that which you turn away from and are indifferent to is a sure proof that the one who neglects so great salvation must be lost? You need to study, to contemplate these great themes, lest you cherish indifference and become too hardened to yield to the conditions of the wonderful plan of salvation, and too proud to be humbled by a realization of your own fallen conditions.

There are many who are easily amused with story books. The mind is filled with a cheap kind of food for meditation, so that it becomes powerless to search and comprehend the very things which concern eternal interests. The Lord enjoins upon children and youth to search for truth as for hidden treasure, and to be attracted and fascinated by that which unites the human with the divine. Story books are read with assiduity; fictitious tales are eagerly devoured; and a large class, not only of children and youth, but of men and women of mature age, are mental inebriates. They seem more or less indifferent upon religious matters, for their moral taste is perverted; and as they give their mind cheap food, it becomes enfeebled, just as the body becomes weak when deprived of healthful nourishment. As the mind becomes habituated to contemplate subjects which do not draw upon its powers, the sensibilities of the mind become dwarfed, and grow cold and unimpressible. The mind then has no appetite for serious and divine contemplation, and takes no interest in the study of the deep, hidden truths of God's word. There is need for penetrating minds to dig for the truth as for hidden treasure. The mind that is allowed to read story books and novels, will not be interested in searching the Scriptures. The heart will be too cold to burn with the compassion of Him who loved us and gave his life for us that we might be saved.

My heart is sad when I think how many will miss the way to heaven because they did not study the guide God has given them. There is no possible arrangement whereby these souls can be saved who, having the voice of God speaking to them in his word, have not interest sufficient to search and become acquainted with the directions God has given them, pointing out the only path that leads heavenward. Well may the apostle ask, "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?" Our youth should be presented with a pledge to sign that they will not touch idle tales, but that they will make diligent search of the Scriptures, that they will give their minds the most nourishing, wholesome food, in order to become strong in contemplating the works of Christ who became surety for the fallen race. YI, August 31, 1887 par. 5-7

God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him. MH 479

As long as he sought the LORD, God gave him success. . . . But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God 2 Chronicles 26:5a, 16b (New International Version)