This injunction is from the eternal Son of God. Neglect of the study of God's word leads many to neglect the great salvation, and proves the ruin of thousands. When this command was given, reference was had to the Old-Testament Scriptures only, but we now have the New-Testament Scriptures besides. If God has done for us the utmost that Deity could do; if all the divine attributes, unlimited as they are, have combined and even exhausted themselves in the great plan of redemption, then every child and youth should make the Scriptures their study, that they may not be ignorant of this wonderful scheme. You should open the Scriptures with a solemn interest to hear what the voice of God bids you do and be in order to be saved.
The subject of redemption is plainly revealed in the Scriptures. Nature and the Bible agree perfectly: but the minds of finite beings are not agreed in their suppositions as to what these teach, and hence there are many erroneous theories concerning religion. We see God in nature; he is speaking to our senses continually. The heavens declare his glory; and if our faculties of observation were awake, we could see the impress of God everywhere.
When you open the Guide Book, and there hear God's voice speaking to your senses, it is then you should open the understanding to take in his instruction. You read there the plan for saving a lost world. You can but tax your mind to the utmost to become acquainted with this greatest of subjects. It is wonderful! The mystery of godliness is unsearchable as well to angels as to men.
The world's Redeemer has said, "Search the Scriptures." In them is laid open the bounteous provisions for human necessities, and the strongest motives are set forth to influence to repentance and obedience. Here the seeker for truth may read, contemplate, and be stirred to the very depths of his being by that which a good and gracious God has done and is continually doing for him. He will be amazed that he should ever have treated with indifference the marvelous love and pardon proffered; for in redeeming man, God gave the greatest that he could offer. And if the objects of so great a love neglect salvation, there is nothing that Heaven can do more in their behalf. YI, August 31, 1887 par. 1-4
The only safety for any of us is to plant our feet upon the Word of God and study the Scriptures, making God's Word our constant meditation 9MR 113
But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. Psalm 1:2 (New King James Version)